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The 116th Congress and Preventing Extremist Violence: Look North For Guidance

Date: 2019-01-03
Media: Just Security

Canada’s Practitioners’ Network for Prevention of Radicalization and Extremist Violence (CPN-PREV) offers a model, as it supports the sharing of “evidence-based best practices and collaboration among practitioners, researchers, and policymakers.”

Terrorism Threat Level Unchanged

Date: 2018-12-11
Media: Public Safety Canada

The Honourable Ralph Goodale, Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness, announced the release of the 2018 Public Report on the Terrorist Threat to Canada and launched Canada’sNational Strategy on Countering Radicalization to Violence (National Strategy).

Does Online Hate Drive Anti-Migrant Violence

Date: 2018-09-24
Media: Financial Times

Ghayda Hassan comments on a German study conducted on the link between online hate speech and anti-migrant violence in Germany.

Canadian Visit Studies Borås’s Work Against Violence-Violent Extremism

Date: 2018-02-07
News Media: Borås Stad
Subject(s): Canada, Sweden, Violent extremism, municipality preventive work

Borås City’s work on violence-violent extremism receives international attention. Today, representatives of the Canadian Embassy and the University of Quebec in Montreal (Ghayda Hassan, the director of CPN-PREV) are visiting Borås to study the municipality’s preventive work and the close and effective cooperation with the police.

In Quebec, One Who Turned Away From Extremism Helps Others Find the Path

Date: 2017-05-06

Why Youth Become Radicalized and How to Prevent It

Date: 2015-06-13