

Deconstructing Violent Radicalization and Extremism: Towards an Anti-Oppressive Framework 

Starting November 8 - Pre-register today!

The terms “violent radicalization” and “violent extremism” are loaded concepts that invoke deep concerns about safety. Misconceptions about these issues can cause confusion among practitioners, while exacerbating harms to clients and communities through stereotypes, surveillance, and profiling. 

CPN-PREV’s e-learning course, “Deconstructing Violent Radicalization and Extremism: Towards an Anti-Oppressive Framework” addresses these concerns and provides deeper insight into the complexities of this field. The course deconstructs common representations of violent radicalization and extremism by examining the biases that generate them and exploring their impacts on individuals and communities. Additionally, it introduces an anti-oppressive framework for PVR/PVE, aiming to reduce stigma and promote more inclusive practices when working with vulnerable populations. 

Course Details

Target Audience: This course will be of interest to both novice and more experienced practitioners involved in the primary, secondary, and tertiary prevention of violent radicalization and extremism, as well as students, researchers, and the general public.  


  • Module 1: “Centering” Learners are invited to reflect on their position in society and how this may affect their work. They are encouraged to recognize the challenges of working in the field of preventing violent radicalization and extremism, and to explore the skills and strategies they already possess.   

  • Module 2: “Decentering” Learners are introduced to a variety of concepts, definitions and approaches that make up the landscape of PVR/PVE and are brought to question common myths and perceptions surrounding this field.   

  • Module 3: “Practice” Learners are introduced to principles and promising practices in line with an anti-oppressive approach and apply what they have learned throughout the course by supporting a fictional team of practitioners in a primary prevention setting.  

Duration: 3 hours 

Access:  The course will be launched on November 8. Pre-register below.