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Our director Ghayda Hassan will participate in the next AVERT Research Network International Research Symposium as part of a Practitioner Special Address!

“In recent years there have been demographic shifts in the people drawn to or participating in violent extremism, the places they come from and the spaces where they participate in and mobilise to violence. The age range of those involved in violent extremist movements and networks has now expanded to include both younger and older cohorts. Violent extremist networks and movements are emerging in rural and semi-rural locales in addition to urban/suburban areas that formerly produced the greatest concentrations of violent extremist engagement.  In addition to offline mobilisation and participation, there has been significant growth and diversification in the virtual spaces where violent extremism manifests including enhanced virtual spaces, like the metaverse and other virtual realities, which blur the dichotomy between online and offline spaces and behaviours. These shifting dynamics present new challenges for P/CVE analysis, policy and practice, including how we identify, prevent or address emerging threats within this space.  

This year’s symposium explores various dimensions of these shifting dynamics around people, places and spaces. Presentations will provide insights into what these emerging dynamics mean for violent extremism risk and threat analysis and their implications for policy and practitioner responses.”

For more details

December 10

Successful and less successful approaches in primary and secondary PVE programs : A systematic review

October 29

It is violence, not pathology, that is the problem!