« Je vaux mieux que ça » : Une analyse qualitative des points tournants menant à la sortie de l’incelosphère
Dans le cadre d’un partenariat de recherche – abordant la question des incels – entre le RPC-PREV et le Laboratoire de recherche sur le développement sexuel de l’adolescent et du jeune adulte (DESAJ), l’infographie ci-dessus a été conçue afin de résumer certains résultats clés de la recherche. Plus précisément, cette étude vise à comprendre comment les incels qui ont quitté ou souhaitent quitter les écosystèmes incels (incelosphère) vivent ce processus.
*In French only
Infographic - Navigating Traumatic Content in Media Coverage of Conflict
In today's media landscape, the coverage of conflict and violence has a profound impact on viewers and communities. Our latest infographic, "Navigating Traumatic Content in Media Coverage of Conflict" highlights the ethical responsibilities of the media in reporting such events and the emotional implications for viewers. It is crucial to understand how continuous exposure to distressing content can lead to desensitisation, trauma accumulation, and emotional exhaustion.
English version
*En anglais seulement
Addressing Online Hate
The “Addressing Online Hate ” module developed by Project Someone and partner SERENE-RISC was launched on January 30th. This module was developed to enable libraries and community organizations to offer educational sessions and raise awareness about online hate.
Extreme Dialogue
[English only]
Extreme Dialogue is a cutting-edge project designed to provide young people with the tools they need to challenge extremism in all its forms. Through a series of compelling films telling the true stories of those affected by extremism, with supporting educational resources, it provides a range of perspectives on how violence, exclusion and hate change lives. Designed to be delivered by teachers, other education or youth practitioners, external facilitators or young people themselves, the free Extreme Dialogue films and educational resources can be supported by training workshops.
From Hate to Hope: Massive Open Online Course (MOOC)
In April of 2018, Global Affairs Canada awarded funding to the UNESCO-PREV Chair to create a massive open online course (MOOC) – titled “From Hate to Hope” that draws from cutting-edge research in multiple disciplines from humanities and social sciences to address strategies that build resilience against hate through the use of pluralistic dialogues. The resources showcased herein comprise of seven videos (each are available with English, French and Arabic subtitles) that were created as part of “From Hate to Hope” which feature the voices of experts in extremism, political science, psychology, religion, humanities, education, art-based pedagogies, sociology, media studies and computer science debating the multi-faceted nature of combating hate and designing effective primary prevention activities in scholastic as well as public spaces.
Guide comprendre pour mieux agir
[En français seulement]
“Le guide pédagogique Comprendre pour mieux agir, le présent guide poursuit deux objectifs. Dans un premier temps, il informe sur la radicalisation menant à la violence, notamment en sensibilisant le personnel scolaire aux multiples aspects du phénomène. Dans un deuxième temps, il présente les différents leviers qui existent en milieu scolaire pour promouvoir le vivre-ensemble, et suggère des pistes d’action et des outils. Ce guide donne donc au personnel scolaire les moyens d’aborder le sujet de la radicalisation à l’école.”
List of Resources on Online Hate
This document lists 50 organizations that provide resources for practitioners who are looking for information on online hate in PVE/PVR. The scale of the listed organizations varies from large international bodies to smaller local initiatives.
Mediasmarts Educational Games
[English only]
Educational computer games that introduce kids to key ideas in media and digital literacy. These games are a great way to start a conversation on media issues in the home or classroom.
National Strategy on Countering Radicalization to Violence
The National Strategy on Countering Radicalization to Violence engages with a variety of actors from police to community organizations to identify and prevent radicalization to violence before tragedies occur. There is substantial knowledge, experience, expertise, and evidence at the local, national, and international levels to rely on in developing approaches to countering radicalization to violence. In this context, the National Strategy on Countering Radicalization to Violence identifies areas where expertise and capability exist, and how the Government of Canada and its partners are investing to enhance our collective strengths.
Online Exposure to Extremist Content – Toolbox
In this bundle, you will find a variety of tools made to synthetize CPN-PREV’s first systematic review, which overviewed and assessed the existing literature on online exposure to extremist content. Within these resources, you will find, the systematic review report itself, as well as pamphlets detailing the implications of the review’s results for both practitioners and decisionmakers. Another resource, available through this link, are two videos that detail both the results and recommendations of our systematic review.
Systematic Review Recommendations
Versions française:Dépliants:
Résultats de la revue systématique
Recommandations de la revue systématique
PROFILE – A Practical Toolkit to Understand Racial and Social Profiling and to Find Ways Forward
This practical toolkit was commissioned by the Canadian Commission for UNESCO and developed by Project Someone at Concordia University. Designed both for individuals and for groups, it gives a chance to understand issues related to social and racial profiling, unpack this problem in marginalized communities and consider some solutions and ways forward. It is organized around five central questions and teaches empathy and creative thinking.
Youth Engagement Resources
[English only]
Promoting Relationships & Eliminating Violence Network (PREVNET) offers a list of youth engagement resources on its website, including a webinar, toolkits and tip sheets. Several resources come from Wisdom2Action, a member of the CPN-PREV and partner of PREVNET.