Les enjeux de la médiatisation des tueries de masse
[french only]
Cet outil vise à guider les professionnels des médias dans leur couverture des tueries de masse afin de contrôler l’impact de ce dernier.
National Strategy on Countering Radicalization to Violence
The National Strategy on Countering Radicalization to Violence engages with a variety of actors from police to community organizations to identify and prevent radicalization to violence before tragedies occur. There is substantial knowledge, experience, expertise, and evidence at the local, national, and international levels to rely on in developing approaches to countering radicalization to violence. In this context, the National Strategy on Countering Radicalization to Violence identifies areas where expertise and capability exist, and how the Government of Canada and its partners are investing to enhance our collective strengths.
Online Exposure to Extremist Content – Toolbox
In this bundle, you will find a variety of tools made to synthetize CPN-PREV’s first systematic review, which overviewed and assessed the existing literature on online exposure to extremist content. Within these resources, you will find, the systematic review report itself, as well as pamphlets detailing the implications of the review’s results for both practitioners and decisionmakers. Another resource, available through this link, are two videos that detail both the results and recommendations of our systematic review.
Systematic Review Recommendations
Versions française:Dépliants:
Résultats de la revue systématique
Recommandations de la revue systématique
PrEval: Evaluation Designs for the Prevention of Violent Extremism
[English only]
PrEval (“Evaluation Designs for Prevention Measures – multi-method approaches for impact assessment and quality assurance in extremism prevention and the intersections with violence prevention and civic education”) is a research project focused on Germany’s evaluation needs and capacities in preventing violent extremism. The project aims at developing evaluation designs in close collaboration with its policy partners in the German federal government.